Social media


3 powerful benefits of Facebook ads for dentists and how to use them

woman looking at phone

Marketers recently shared that 42 percent of people think that Facebook ads are important or crucial to their current business. Social media is an important strategy, and Facebook ads for dentists are the place to start. Nearly seventy-five percent of all internet users are on Facebook, which means that the majority of your target audience […]

Added on: January 10, 2024 | Posted In: Dental Marketing, Social media

6 Tips to Create Great Instagram Ads for Dentists

dental instagram ads

Instagram ads for dentists…sounds like a good idea, right? If you’ve been working to build your profile on this valuable social media channel, it’s worth considering, at least if you do it right.  You probably already know that social media marketing for dentists is a great idea. Sixty percent of people say they discover new […]

Added on: September 28, 2020 | Posted In: Social media, Adwords, Dental Marketing

10 exciting dental Instagram post ideas

instagram for dentists

1. Educational Instagram Video Posts for Dentists 2. Behind the Scenes Dental Instagram Post Ideas 3. Instagram Inspiration Posts for Dental Offices 4. Sneak Peek Dental Instagram Post Ideas 5. Before and After Dentistry on Instagram 6. Dental Team Photos on Instagram 7. Flashback Friday Photos for Dentists 8. Dental Contests on Instagram 9. Resharing […]

Added on: June 13, 2019 | Posted In: Social media