Getting Persona(l) with Your Dental Patients
You probably have the demographics for your ideal dental patient figured out already. (If not, read this article.) But demographics really only address “who” those patients are. If you want to dig into the what, where, why, and how of the patients you are trying to attract to your dental practice, you need to develop […]
Choosing the Right Dental Logo for Your Practice
Not to put any pressure on you, but selecting the right dental logo (along with the right name) can be the toughest part of branding your practice. A visual representation of your dental brand, your logo will appear everywhere from signs to stationery to ads to billboards. And, much like a bad tattoo, a poor […]
Why Your Dental Referral Marketing Isn’t Working
Let’s face it. If dental referral marketing was easy, agencies like us would probably be out of business. Think about it. If each of your happy patients told their friends, families, co-workers, neighbors, and complete strangers how great your office was, you’d be turning away an overflow of new dental patients. So, where the heck […]
The Best Call Tracking Software for Your Dental Office
“How did you hear about our office?” As surprising as it may be in today’s digital world, many practices still consider that to be “tracking” their dental advertising. (As a marketer, just hearing that question makes me cringe more than the sound of fingernails screeching across a chalkboard.) Obviously, those dentists are barely scratching the […]
9 Dental Billboards That Will Bring A Smile
If you were to ask me what dental billboards (or any billboards to be honest) I passed on my commute this morning, do you honestly think I could tell you? Well, actually, since I am a bit of a marketing geek, I do happen to make it a point to study those large display advertisements […]