How Much Does Dental SEO Cost? It all Depends.

How Much Does Dental SEO Cost? It all Depends.

*This blog was updated on November 20, 2019.

It’s a question we hear again and again – how much does dental SEO cost? If you’re already working with a dental SEO company, then you probably know a thing or two about how much it costs to get the results you need to attract new patients. But how do you know if you’re getting your money’s worth or if you’re wasting your budget on subpar dental SEO?

Before we crunch the numbers and investigate a few impressive stats, there’s one big point we always try to make clear whether you’re a private practice, a specialist, or a large group practice looking for help. It’s this: Your dental website SEO should be part of an overall marketing plan, not just stand alone all on its own. It doesn’t work that way, mainly because SEO is a long-game strategy that doesn’t typically yield big results overnight.

Here’s another helpful tip: Don’t buy into lofty promises of page one or first page rankings for the low, low price of only $99 per month. Any dental search engine marketing company that promises you this too-good-to-be-true, yet oh-so-tempting offer is usually lying through their teeth and probably using something called black hat techniques. (Google it and learn.)

This means they’re behaving unethically by using things such as keyword stuffing and private link networks, which often ends in a penalty for your website and your business. (Hint: If you’re eager to drive traffic, like today, then consider including pay-per-click or PPC into your mix along with other patient-driving strategies.) And remember: Just say “no” to lousy dental SEO.

These Key Stats Might Make You Think Twice About Your Dental SEO Company & Budget

We promised to provide some numbers and stats, so here we go. Let’s start with some interesting statistics from a 2018 survey conducted by They surveyed 350 SEO agencies, consultants, and freelancers to find out how much SEO cost in 2018. Here are a few key results that you’ll want to keep in mind when setting up or restructuring your SEO plan:

1) Most SEO companies charge a monthly retainer for some or all of their services. 74.71% of respondents charge a monthly retainer fee with pricing varying depending on what country you’re in, but it rarely exceeds $5K/month.

2) The average hourly rate for SEO companies is $150-$200 per hour.
When you’re working with a highly specialized agency (i.e. we only do dentistry), there’s a good chance you’re going to pay a little more because of their focused expertise in their niche.

3) More experienced SEOs charge significantly more than less experienced SEOs.

Duh!? SEO companies in business over 2 years charged 39.4% more per hour, 102.41% more for monthly retainer fees, and 275% more for hourly or one-time projects compared to newer business who’ve been operating for less than two years.

What Should I Be Paying for High Quality Dental SEO?

A reputable, results-driven dental SEO company should charge you a custom fee that’s dependent upon your:

  • Individual immediate and long-term needs for your practice
  • Dental website
  • Geographical location or target market

Remember, you get what you pay for so try to steer clear of any over-the-top promises of page one results with those low, low monthly prices.

Our packages can range anywhere from $750 – $1,500 a month. We’ve seen numerous small practices in not-so-competitive markets fall into the $750 pricing. A large, multi-location practice in a big metro area or a highly competitive state (think CA and TX) are more likely to need a customized SEO package that costs a bit more. You’ll most likely find this to be true for any dental SEO company or agency you stumble across in your research.

One More Tip Before We Go

Just search our other blogs for “dental website,” and you’ll quickly find out just how important it is to have a successful practice. It’s crucial that your site is up-to-date, mobile-friendly, and filled with quality, original content.

But another HUGE reason why you need a proper website is that it’s the foundation for good SEO. Even if your site is a few years old, it can lack some significant components that will boost your SEO efforts.

Dental websites come in a variety of shapes and sizes, ranging from DIY templates to elaborate custom projects. The same goes for how much they cost because, just like we mentioned with SEO costs, pricing should always depend on your needs, your goals, and your competition. Want to discuss SEO for your dental website marketing? Schedule a call with Erica.

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