Stand Out with an Expert Dental SEO Company

be the absolute worst hide & seek player on the planet

That’s exactly the goal with dental SEO! When patients are searching for a new dentist online, you want your dental website to be the one that jumps out first, making it irresistible to click on.

Getting found easily is what good dental SEO (search engine optimization) can — and should — do for you and your dental website.

If you haven’t optimized your online presence yet – or have tried and failed – Golden Proportions Marketing is a dental SEO company that has the knowledge, experience, and approach that will produce the measurable results you’re looking for.

Get your free SEO Analysis

do you really need a dental seo expert?

OK, so improving your dental website’s SEO may not be a top priority if you’re already turning away new patients at the door.

But, for the other 99% of you, there are several reasons why you should have a real dental SEO specialist optimize your dental website and local dentist SEO:

Are new patients finding your competitors listed first when searching online?
Frustrated when trying to find a reputable and reliable SEO company?
Don’t have the time or expertise to handle effective SEO on your own?
Doubting your website's SEO return on investment?

Schedule a marketing breakthrough call today and fix your dental SEO!

Let's talk about your SEO!

top of rankings means top of mind

Generate more new patient opportunities by optimizing your dental website to climb higher in the search results, and create the online awareness you need in order to eliminate gaps in your schedule.

If your competitors’ parking lots are filled with cars, it’s a safe bet they’ve already landed themselves a position at the top of Google’s first page.

Let’s talk about your SEO!

affordable pricing for dental seo you can’t afford to be without

You can get managed dental SEO starting as low as $750 per month.

Get your EXACT price quote

no seo surprises with us!

At Golden Proportions Marketing, we practice absolute transparency in our dental SEO services.

In addition to regular reports that you can access at any time, we use screen share meetings to show you how dental SEO marketing really works. We’ll show you the technical SEO and on-page work we did each month, the new content that was added, and how we keep your directory listings up to date.

When you use our SEO services for dentists, you will always know what our plan is and how we’re using industry best practices to your advantage.

The first thing you’ll get from our dental SEO marketing experts is a comprehensive audit, identifying your ranking potential with complete clarity and honesty. If you’re in a market where ranking at the top of Google’s first page for “dentist near me” is next to impossible, we’ll tell you that right up front.

Even if we can’t promise you the moon and the stars, we will definitely get you off the ground and take you as high as you can go.

Let’s talk about your SEO!

Schedule a marketing breakthrough call today and get the search rankings you deserve!

Schedule Your Call Now

our comprehensive dental seo process

When you specialize in SEO for dentist websites (like we do), you know what it takes to move a site to the top of Google’s first page of search results.

Despite the promises of overnight success you’ve been sold in the past, we’re here to tell you it takes hard work and time. Thankfully, hard work pays off. Here’s exactly what we do to improve your dental SEO rank:

SEO Audit

Our first task as your dental SEO company is to understand how your dental practice website is performing in terms of online visibility, ranking for relevant keywords, and converting web traffic into revenue. If we find you need a new dental website design, we can help with that as well. We present every client with a detailed on-page and off-page SEO audit so we can discuss what needs to be addressed.

Our dental practice SEO analysis provides an incredibly thorough report that details every opportunity for improvement.

On-Page SEO

Sites often come to us with technical issues, broken links, slow loading pages, and a complete lack of on-page dental SEO. A good dentist SEO company will deal with these pressing issues head-on, improving the performance of the dental business website to provide an immediate boost to the search engine rankings followed by organic traffic.

We’ll get your site healthy, happy, and optimized so Google learns to trust you.


For Google, content is king.

We develop a regular schedule of new content, push it out in a wide range of channels to drive traffic back to your site, and make it obvious to Google that your site is active. As an established dental SEO company, we take pride in creating content that not only helps you rank for dental keywords and get more patients but actually provides high-value information and positions you as an authority in the field, enhancing your overall digital marketing efforts.

Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO serves as a vote of confidence from another website.

The more “votes” you get, the more relevant your site will be and the higher it will rise.

Google Business Profile

A fully optimized Google Business Profile is essential for your local search rankings.

We’ll make sure your profile is set up properly, and also clean up your NAP (name, address, phone) information across all online directories.

Google Algorithm Updates

Google releases an estimated 500-600 search algorithm updates a year. Yikes!

Our dentist SEO experts ensure your site stays compliant with all the latest requirements and updates, giving you an edge over the competition.

Dental SEO Questions & Answers

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. In a nutshell, it’s the process of maximizing your dental website’s ability to become a match when a prospective dental patient searches for a new dentist. Strategies include a combination of tactical content development, maintaining near-perfect consistency among your online listings, and keeping up with Google’s never-ending algorithm changes, among other things. The Golden Proportions Marketing internet marketing team is committed to white-hat, ethical SEO for dentists. We’re a reputable dental SEO company that offers a transparent service based on proven and Google-recommended local SEO practices, which ensures you’ll get relevant and high-intent traffic to your website that translates into new patients.

Dental SEO is a long-game marketing strategy. In general, you can expect it to take 6-12 months to see a brand-new website gain traction. If some self-proclaimed dentist SEO expert tells you they can get you at the top for “#1 Dentist New York City” in a few months, either they’re lying or they’re bluffing. Honestly, the results all depend on the keyword and the market you’re in. The smaller the market, the faster you will rank. We’ll personally evaluate your online presence and give you a fair and honest timeline.

If we do our job right, you’ll know because your phone will ring more often! We know that’s a rather unscientific way to measure success, so in addition to website traffic and keyword rank reports, we utilize call tracking and our proprietary ROI software with every dental SEO client. It allows us to measure our true impact of SEO on your practice, make sure we’re attracting the right patients, and ensure your team is doing everything possible to convert leads into patients.

Ever since the internet began, there have been scammers and hackers who only want to corrupt websites and steal private information. Google finally got tired of this and essentially mandated a security certificate if you want your dental SEO to have any impact. All of GPM’s dental websites are hosted on industry-leading servers with security certificates automatically included. Our hosting protocol is harder to break into than Fort Knox.

Did you know you can rank twice on the same search results page? You can rank once in Google Local (where all those pretty reviews make you look good) and again organically underneath. There are a LOT of review companies out there trying to get your business, and they’ll tell you that a lot of reviews are the secret sauce for ranking your dental website on Google Local. If that were true, then why do you have a competitor with only 4 reviews ranking above your listing that has over 100 reviews? Because reviews, while very important, are just a tiny slice of the Google rank pie. We make sure that every aspect of your site creates trust with Google, because that’s just dental SEO best practice. And we aren’t satisfied with being anything other than the best.

Golden Proportions Marketing